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segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2014

Five Legendary Patriotic Songs That Really Aren’t At All Patriotic

Postado originalmente em LIVE 105:

We’re only a few days away from the most important day in American history, and before you fire up that iPod (or boombox, I don’t know, it’s your party) take a careful listen at that patriotic song you love—it may not be about what you think it is.

Sure, these days it’s not so cutting edge to criticize the government. Hell, there are people who make a career out of it. But these songs were so stealthy in their criticism that many people didn’t realize that they were anti-war, anti-president or anti-anything else until long after they were released.

Here are five songs that many people consider patriotic that are actually very much not.

1. “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie

Woody Guthrie didn’t write “This Land is Your Land” to praise the beautiful pastorals of the United States. It was actually written in sadness in the early…

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Mehr Licht

Postado originalmente em mothergrogan:



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Bun Island UPDATE!

Postado originalmente em Cute Overload:

Remember how we said there was gonna be a video series of BUN ISLAND? We weren’t kidding, folks. Here we go with installments two thru four, from Scott Y.

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Pessoa – È in Whitman, nel “Song of myself”, 1855: “I’m large. I contain multitudes”

Postado originalmente em Rosebud - Critica, scrittura, giornalismo online:

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Biblioteca quentinha.

Postado originalmente em Biblioteca do MPT/RN:

Os dias mais frios são os mais gostosos para ler. Ficamos mais despertos, concentrados, dispostos. Mas nos dias muito gelados, em que a temperatura baixa muito, ficamos encorujados e a tendência é passar mais tempo abrigados do que ao ar livre. Ótimo momento para ler. Essas são algumas dicas para deixar o ambiente ainda mais aconchegante para suas leituras de inverno. Continua. Fonte: Bibliotecas do Brasil.

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Max Greger Plays Glenn Miller

Postado originalmente em LP Cover Art:

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domingo, 29 de junho de 2014

Holanda pasa in extremis

Postado originalmente em Aún tengo la vida:


Eran las once de la mañana y las calles de México estaban vacías. Nadie caminaba, apenas había coches y el silencio se respiraba. El partido de octavos paralizaba a todo el país. Dos horas más tarde continuaba ese silencio, ese vacío. No había nada que celebrar. México caía ante Holanda de la forma más dura de perder: En los minutos de descuento.

El Estadio Casteleo se teñía de verde y naranja. El verde de un México que llegaba a esta cita muy motivado y dispuesto a plantar cara a la “naranja mecánica” de Robben, Van Persie y Sneijder. La selección azteca comenzó con mucha intensidad, generando muchas oportunidades de gol pero, desgraciadamente, ninguna acababa dentro de la portería holandesa. La ocasión más clara tuvo lugar a los dieciséis minutos de juego de las botas de Herrera pero la suerte no estaba del lado de los de “El Piojo”. Hasta ese…

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honesty V diplomacy

Postado originalmente em at least i have a brain:

I amn’t diplomatic.

I am honest.

Life MUST be easier if you are diplomatic!

honesty carries a heavy responsibility

honesty does NOT make you popular.

but how do diplomats live with conscience?

but GOD it is neither appreciated nor without consequence being honest!

could i change?


  • having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way

  • dealing with everybody and not apportioning blame,

  • resolution…for all?

  • giving an example – a middle of the road balanced “directed” example

  • having a code of expected, allowed behaviour.


  • being tuthful

  • in a situation of conflict you say it as it is! – no pussy footing around

  • resolution is NOT painless…people have to realise the impossibility of nobody feels any pain!

  • saying things as they are, give you responsibility for fallout, and for ultimately defending your situation

  • having put yourself on the need take the enemies that…

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Jimi Hendrix

Postado originalmente em LP Cover Art:

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Costa Rica’s stunning World Cup run is a welcome distraction from its faltering economy

Byrd’s Eye View

Postado originalmente em LP Cover Art:

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Quiero ir con aquel a quien amo

Postado originalmente em Lejos del tiempo:


Quiero ir con aquel a quien amo.

No quiero calcular lo que cuesta.

No quiero averiguar si es bueno.

No quiero saber si me ama.

Quiero ir con aquél a quien amo.

Bertolt Brecht

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OMS quer medidas drásticas contra surto de ebola em países da África Ocidental

U.S. fan’s Tim Howard haircut is the most patriotic thing you’ll see all day

Postado originalmente em For The Win:

The World Cup is home to some of the most impressive hairstyles on the planet, but one American fan may have trumped even Neymar. Tim Howard shared a photo of a Tim Howard haircut that almost looks too good to be true.

This is how the cut looked when it was finished.

Instagram Photo

It was done by Rob The Original, the same guy that gave a Mexican fan a stunning Guillermo Ochoa haircut.

Instagram Photo

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