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terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2014

Desert Dragon

Postado originalmente em Lydia Joy Palmer:


I finished an oil painting! I had sketched a large dragon that I liked, so I carried it through into a painting. I also posted Work-in-Progress shots over at my Instagram, which are posted below. I also made this piece available over at my shop! Thanks for looking! Leave a comment with your thoughts! More work coming soon!


initial work-in-progress, I started with acrylic paint, but I didn’t like the colours I was getting


Started in with some oil paint! MUCH better colours!


Getting more details in…

tumblr_n5nkd3t2Fg1rx8fiio1_500 tumblr_n5nkfzDISL1rx8fiio1_500 Detail shots and the final piece!

tumblr_n5qjnqYD8O1rad7m8o1_1280 tumblr_n5qjnqYD8O1rad7m8o2_1280

Better detail shots, click through to see bigger!


Final piece! Open in a new window to see it larger!

Thanks for looking!

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